Mobile SEO for Business

Mobile SEO is the abbreviation for Mobile Search Engine Optimisation. It is the method involved in optimising website for each engine enquiries carried out on a mobile device. Similarly, it is an activity which enables and promotes the visibility of a business during mobile searches by a user.

Let’s break it down…

In the UK we use mobiles more than any other medium to access online resources, that’s just facts. Spending more than 5 hours a day on a smartphone on thing like surfing the internet, on social media and watching videos (that’s for another blog), we use search engines like Google and Yahoo to access available data. Unfortunately, not all the sites pop up on the first result page. Depending on key words entered by the user, some sites are ranked above the other. If this is the case, it means businesses with online presence need to put some level of effort into making their sites open and available.

Why is mobile SEO important for businesses?

In a technology driven 21st century, having a mobile optimised business is necessary. More than anything, using mobile search engine optimisation for your business is a marketing tool that allows more customers to find you. Once a mobile user enters keywords relevant to your website and you have gone through the stage of being recognised by the search engine, you are in touch with many visitors without stress.

As of March 2018 Google changed the game, they rolled out it’s mobile-first indexing. This means that businesses can no longer rely on their desktop search engine ranking for their website’s mobile version.

With this vast knowledge maybe now is the time to invest in technologies that will play a big part in the future, ever thought about mobile marketing?


2019 for sure will be a big year for mobile marketing, there are some great resources to give you a peak to what you should expect to see this coming year.

One thing we do know for sure is in 2016 Mobile internet traffic surpassed desktop traffic, meaning businesses who fail to adopt a mobile-first approach risk missing out on a large amount of traffic.

Strategies for Mobile SEO

There is no need to worry. Mobile optimisation does not demand anything beyond the traditional search engine optimisation through having content that stand out online. However, there are strategies to this.

Choose the appropriate mobile configuration. To enjoy mobile SEO, set up your website in the best way possible. Don’t forget that it is a mobile optimisation. Your website should be configured for mobile search. Else you will be at a loss in mobile traffic.


Be mobile-friendly. When your website is mobile-friendly, visitors won’t be eager to leave. Rowdy web display, long unimportant content, absurd graphic design, vulgar words choice, among others do not pass your site as being friendly. To achieve this, we recommend taking and passing Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. The result will highlight areas that need fixing. To use the tool visit

Simply enter in your website URL and “Run Test”

From the results you can see if your mobile optimisation efforts have worked.

For further exploration check out the “View Details” to see what can be improved.

From the below you see a report of the pages that could not properly be loaded.

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Allow for page speed. Page speed is a good strategy for mobile SEO. For your site to be ranked well on search engine result pages, the waiting time of a visitor is an index. You can look up PageSpeed Insights tool provided by Google.

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This great tool for seeing exactly where the slowness of your site are on both Mobile and Desktop. You get a score out of a 100 and a full report of the issues with suggestions on how to correct those problems.

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Make your site crawlable. For example, ensure that your CSS files, image files and any other resources are available to the agents. If your site cannot be crawled, it will not be seen on search engine result pages.

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When of the first things you should do with any new site is to connect with Google Search Console. It provides invaluable information on

Once your site has been indexed there is a ton of information you can get from Google Search Console. One area in particular to look at is the Crawl Errors report which checks to see if all your pages are searchable in search results.

Make every word count. Content is basic. Avoid long irrelevant content. Remember that user’s attention span is limited; make it appealing, simple yet rich. To do this, you need to have a skilled content strategist. There are loads of cool concepts on how to write mobile first content from visuals to understanding how users interact with mobile devices.

Make it responsive. A responsive site reformats according to the mobile user’s device. Thus, it can resize the website to fit to the user’s screen. The same applies to images.

Every mobile business can utilise SEO and get amazing results. Seek SEO counsel and hirer a skilled hand to fix your mobile SEO needs.

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